Art You Like IB by Kyle Darnell

August was forever ago, so I am reposting this assignment to see how your tastes have changed.

This is due this Sunday not next and is worth 10 points


Post a link to an artist you like.  Please refrain from the Ninja Turtles (DaVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello), try to find someone more current. Write a little bit about what you like and how you would recommend them to others. 

Here is mine.

Trenton Doyle Hancock

Trenton Doyle Hancock deals with issues ranging from current political climate, cool scenerery, to the deeper recesses of the artists' mind. His work is dynamic, playful, dark, and super weird. I would recommend him to anyone who enjoys an artist at play.

See, simple and to the point. These discussions will be posted every Sunday and due every Friday.

Curatorial Rationale by Kyle Darnell

Here is your assignment before this whole thing becomes links.

Seniors: Write a Curatorial Rationale. They are due by Saturday. You will then receive edit ideas and rewrite your Curatorial Rational, which will be due by next Friday before class. (Don't worry about the dates too much, you will have time in class to accomplish this.)

Juniors: Write notes on at least two Curatorial Rationals. You have until Sunday. You will then do the same process again, by the next Sunday.


Here are links to help explain things. I will also be talking quite a bit about it in class.

Getting Political by Kyle Darnell

Political cartoons are pretty important. Throughout history they have been used to shine light on a dark subject or even further propagate the opinion of the either a government or a news paper. Linked below is a pretty brief history of political cartoons. There are several pages, they don't take too long though.


Your job is to find a political cartoon, past or present, and write a little bit about it. Also post a link so everyone can see. Don't just type in political cartoons either. There is a lot of information out there and several famous artists even contributed throughout the year. For example, did you know that DR. Seuss was a very successful political cartoonist? Did you also know drew anti Japanese propaganda cartoons for the US government during ww2? Thats what i'm saying, dig around a little.


Reminder, these are worth 20 points and are due by the 19th.

Art Time Police by Kyle Darnell

In this assignment you are a Art Time Cop. Your job is to travel history and find artists guilty of committing a crime, then erase them from the time-stream. What are they guilty of? How will erasing them change Art History?

Vincent Van Gogh

Crime: 1st degree wasting paint and 2nd degree annoying fans.

Van Gogh is synonymous with the post-impressionist movement and when his art was collected after his death, helped influence several artists to take more chances with composition and color. That being said, most of his work is terrible. Famous for his impasto technique of laying oil paint onto the canvas in a very thick manner, sometimes straight from the tube, to create his own vision of a scene. Huge waste of very expensive paint that he never had to buy, as his brother Theo was bankrolling him. Just a shame to waste paint like that. That also caused every freshman dorm on ever college campus apparently come pre-furnished with a Starry Night poster.

You know when you like a band but hate their fans? Van Gogh is OG that. Removing Van Gogh will save me from every college freshman art class of breaking the students of their misguided love of Van Gogh.


And I should emphasize to not write about Hitler or George W Bush. They both are know at periods of time as being artists, but they are not most famous for those things. So adjust accordingly. And this is opinion based, if you don't agree with someone thats fine. Also try not to repeat artists.

Artists in popular culture by Kyle Darnell

Artists exist in popular culture beyond the real ones we know. This assignment is about writing about fictional artists in media. That can be books, tv, movies ...etc. Post a link, and write a little bit about them. Why its someone that stands out. Also I know this is harder than it sounds.

We are going to switch to online assignments being every 2 weeks but now they are worth 20 points each, so make sure to do them.

What are you into? IB by Kyle Darnell

Were all into stuff that other people aren't. Hobbies aren't just a means to relax they are a way that helps connect us. So tell me what you are into. Don't just say video games or poetry, tell me which type, how do you use that to connect in a community. Here is my example.

"In High School I was really into music, specifically Metal bands like The Dillinger Escape Plan and Meshuggah. I really couldn't stand what any of my peers were listening to at the time so I used that music as a way of finding like minded people. I followed the music online to a website called Gamefaqs, where they had specific message boards geared to music. And since it was a bunch of video game nerds like myself, I was able immediately connect with them and discover new music online. Side note, I am still friends with that small group and we check in on each other even though we have all gone our separate ways, with our own careers."


Link to a Meshuggah song, you don't have to click it.

Curve Ball, Come up with a Novel by Kyle Darnell

Art, art, art, bleh. Lets write! Your assignment this week is to come up with the premise to a novel.

Tell me the Genre first.

In a couple of sentences come up with the premise.

Next list all of the characters and a brief written description of each.

Finally tell me who your target audience is.




Art Critics IB by Kyle Darnell

Art Critics are an essential evil. They disseminate the cultural relevance of art and culture and present it to the public in a digestible way. That being said, they are jerks. In the early 20th century new art was treated terribly and made to seem worthless. Wether they don't get it or were paid off or what, history didn't favor them and their views. 

So heres what I want you to do. I want you to take a famous art piece from the early 20th century and try to destroy it as if you were a critic. 

Here are key points you should hit:

Why their art is terrible.

Why they are terrible.

Why their movement is terrible.


Here is a wiki about art critics.

Post the Title, Artist, and media as well as a link to the artwork. Have fun with this. Be hyper critical, but don't slam something without evidence or proof.


Also no Marcel Duchamp. 

Comparitive Study by Kyle Darnell

At some point you will make a Comparative Study comparing and contrasting at least 2 artists and at least 3 images. You can do more thats fine and encouraged. This study is worth 20% of your final IB Art Exam score.


For Juniors, write down three artists. Pick from different eras, and cultures. Don't worry about them connecting, we will make that happen.

For seniors, email me your completed Study from last year. Then just write Done in the comments

Recommend an art book by Kyle Darnell

Recommend an art book we should get for class. Provide a link on I won't get all of them, but I can get some to bolster our library. 

Here is an example of what I expect your post to look like.

Piranesi: The Complete Etchings

by Luigi Ficacc